Monday, September 27, 2010

Getting slimmer and fitter costs nothing

By Avishek Ganguly

Time and again friends ask me "how do you keep so fit?” the question automatically brightens my face with pride, just a like halo around our Gods. Well I may sound mean ( I beg forgiveness and punishment) but sometimes I do feel an epicurean pleasure seeing tummy clad fatties gasping their way through a stair or nudging their way like a hippo with immense difficulty in a crowded bus. However, it also pains me to see women with beautiful faces but with fat tummies; I guess this tummy thing somehow reduces the charm of ogling at pretty women. Anyways, coming straight to the topic- here are some fitness tips from me, an ‘aam admi’ who is a bit concerned about keeping his body fit.   

Yes, another handy word of advice and caution before I start my gyans! Please don’t ruin your body and mind by nurturing some hyperbolic ambition to make a physique or figure like the Salmans or Priyankas. And don’t even think of getting a ‘Kapoor Size Zero’ syndrome, or else you will land up at hospital bed. These people have different diet regimes and different lifestyles, so it’s better that we avoid imitating them. We are normal people and so we should try to remain fit in the normal way. It’s virtually impossible for us to maintain those hi-fi diet and fitness habits amidst the stress and wear and tear that we go through everyday. So try what can be achieved and not the impossible.

Lots of beating about the bush, now let’s hit the point: “how to lose excessive weight?” I guess (even those docs think the same too), more than what you eat and how much you eat, the time when you eat matters more in making you fat. Thanks to our fast lifestyle (a lot of us pretend to be busier even than the PM), we can’t maintain the basic regular diet timings. The result: indigestion and fat formation. So what’s the solution? It’s easy- try to maintain a proper diet habit even in your (too) busy schedule. And yes, have plenty of water…it filters your system and also does not cost you much time.

Walk and walk-run and run, it’s the best solution when it comes to losing weight. The next time you need to go to the 6th floor, walk the stairs instead of lifting yourself. The drops of sweat you lose can be precious fatty acids which will reduce your waistline. Coming to the second option, if possible, jog for at least 30 minutes (not a short stroll- by jog my mean jog). You can also play some outdoor sports. Not only is it enjoyable but also healthy. You can play badminton, rugby, football, cricket, tennis or anything. Even a ‘chor-police’ game, which involves running, will do. Substitute biking with cycling, the latter makes you fitter.

Try doing all these and trust me, you will lose weight. Before you go to those Dr. Batras and VLCCs, try these methods. They cost nothing but are worth huge. Let not some stupid doctor dictate you how to shed extra fat….you can do it yourself!

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